First Transnational Meeting of the project SILAB was held in Sofia, Bulgaria on December 16th and 17th 2019. It started by a warm greeting done by Mrs. Jane Sclaunich, project coordinator. After the opening, all partners had few minutes to present themselves and their organizations.
Meeting further continued with the overview of SiLab project activities presented by Mrs. Karanovic who takes part in the project on behalf of PAR, Croatian partner. Mrs. Karanovic explained and thoroughly depicted preparatory phases of the project (activities 1-8) for which her institution is in charge of. After that, she continued describing in details intellectual outputs 1 and 2 of the project – Concept and Guide (IO1) and Online software (IO2).
The project contains learning and teaching activities and they were explained on the meeting by the member of the following partners: IDEC, TREBAG, ALCANENA and PRHG. Each partner is in charge of one learning activity: IDEC will come with a learning activity for teachers on the topic creativity and innovation; TREBAG will cover the area of facilitators; ALCANENA will do learning activity for both teacher and students and organize transnational i-lab sessions and finally, PRHG will conduct joint learning activity for students called innovation festival.
The meeting continued with PAR’s presentation about exploitation phases (activities 9-15), after which multiplier events were discussed. It is decided that 6 conferences in general will be held where two of them will be transnational lead by PRHG and PAR (the first one) and DLEARN (the second one). Partners responsible for the remaining 4 conferences are PLATON, TREBAG, PSEB and ALCANENA.
After this, dissemination was discussed and presented by DLEARN. In their presentation, they elaborated on presentation of dissemination related actions, distribution of responsibilities and description of metrics to be used.
Coming next was the Quality Assurance Plan presented by IDEC. They showed how internal quality monitoring process looks like, what are the quality metrics for outputs, training and dissemination activities and how to do review and acceptance process for sign of deliverables.
Last part of the 1st day of the meeting was done by Mrs. Sclaunich (PRHG) and Mrs. Karanovic (PAR) who led the discussion with all partners on general workplan of the project.
The agenda of the second day of the meeting was with fewer presentations. The day started with the presentation of financial overview of the project which was delivered by Mrs. Sclaunich, project coordinator. She described general budget and single cost items as well as the budget distribution per partner. She also elaborated on signing partner agreement and payment transfer processes.
Mrs. Karanovic then followed with the introduction to AdminProject – a platform which will be used throughout the project lifetime for communication and data storage of all partners.
The meeting was closed by reviewing of open items and tasks on Admin Tool as well as the short information about the following project meeting.
All in all, the meeting was extremely fruitful and abundant with information.