Schools Innovation Labs
Si-Lab is an Erasmus+ project which aims at making students acquire valued skills in the labour market, namely innovation, creative thinking and digital skills through the creation of an innovative laboratory to be inserted in schools: an I-lab.
To create this innovative workspace, the partners will develop the 2 outputs:

Creation of i-lab
The partners will collect best practices, and
resources to develop it at its best!
Online software for i-labs
Addressed to students from 12 years old and teachers in secondary schools, to be able to use i-labs not only in classrooms but also online!
What is i-lab?
It is an inspirational innovative facility designed to transport users from their everyday environments into an extraordinary space encouraging creative and innovative thinking as well as collaborative work towards problem solving through a mix of on-purpose environment, technology and facilitation techniques.
The specific objectives of the project are:
To develop the i-lab concept for school education
To create i-labs at selected schools in the partners countries
To create on-line software application for the school i-labs
To develop a guide for school i-labs, targeting managers and facilitators
To organise pilot i-lab sessions in the i-labs, evaluate the project products and propose changes and improvements
To disseminate the i-lab concept and create a network of i-lab friends among European schools
Main objective of project
Project title
Schools Innovation Labs
Project acronym
Project start date
01. 09. 2019.
Project total duration
24 months
Project end date
31. 08. 2021.
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